MEN WSC Members
March 01, 2019
This information is being posted for the benefit of customers of MEN WSC, some of whom may have seen incorrect onformation posted on social media about MEN's service policy regarding new customers in cases where a line extension is required. MEN WSC is a non-profit member-owned retail water supplier. MEN WSC does not make any profit and strives to provide reliable water supply to its roughly 1,800 members at the lowest reasonable cost and has done so for over 55 years.
In furtherance of this longstanding policy, MEN WSC requires new memberrs to cover the actual cost if installation along with membership fees, system impact fees, and tap fees. In situations defined as "non-standard service" where, for example, a line extension or an underground road bore is required, when there is not an existing service line on the property or when a larger than standard meter is requested, the customer is responsible for these additional costs as a condition of service. This policy proitects MEN WSC's existing customers by preventing existing members from having to bear the cost of new line extensions that are for the benefit of only the new customer. MEN WSC has always adhered to this "growth pays for growth" policy.
Whether a road crossing is involved and/ or additional lines are needed, each case is considered based on the actual cost involved in that case. In the case of road crossings to individual properties, which is apparently the current subjest of misinformation, MEN is required to consider the needs stated by the individual applicant based on the application. In the case of tracts over one to two acres in size or where a line extension is involved or when a larger size meter may be requested, a 2" line is the minimum size considered. When only road crossings are involved and only one standard meter will ever likely be needed, then the cost can be lowered by using smaller service tubing. All of this non-standard work is performed by independant contractors and the new customer is charged the contractor cost, along with any necessary engineering, ispection, and permitting costs.
The MEN WSC board of directors is determined not to make exceptions to recovering its actual cost from those that cause the costs to be incurred. MEN WSC has seen four road crossings with in the last year alone. If MEN WSC were to subsidize one customer's costs, it could face accusations of discriminating between applicants and would be required to rasie rates for all members to cover the costs.
There has also been misinformation about what other water suppliers in the area are charging or would charge for a particular service. MENWSC has researched these claims and would be happy to explain the apparent cost differences to any member that would like to know more.
The MEN WSC board of directors has been reluctant to post this information, but believes that you should know the facts, rather than just accusations. YOu are invided to call the office and review any information, because backup information is available. MEN WSC remains commited to treating its members fairly and keeping member rates reasonable.
MEN WSC Board of Directors